Who’s a Good Boy: Dog in This Fight #1 Read online

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  I stepped back and pushed the door open further to let as much light in as possible, then moved out of the way as I approached the truck. The paint job was mesmerizing. I knelt by the door and almost pressed my nose against my reflection before looking down the line towards the rear.

  There was not a bump or swirl disturbing the surface, the paint looked so wet and deep that I thought it might ripple and part like water if I dipped my fingers into it. It was solid enough when I touched it, but my fingers slid along the panel like it was frictionless. This had clearly been done by a master of his craft.

  Using the door handle, I pulled myself to my feet and opened the door. It swung open, heavy but smooth and silent, and my jaw remained slack with wonder as the interior was revealed. Every switch and dial on the dash and every stitch on the upholstery was present and accounted for, looking as if a team of professionals had assembled it like their lives depended on the quality.

  Carefully, I slid behind the steering wheel and closed the door with a solid thunk. I was torn between a childlike giddiness to press every button and flick every switch, and a reverence for the work that had gone into this beautiful thing.

  Taking the middle road, I settled for letting my hands caress the steering wheel, the dash, the seats, until I popped the glove compartment open, half expecting to see a new owner’s manual sitting there. Instead, I saw an envelope.

  When I brought it into the light, I saw my name written on the front in my dad’s messy handwriting. My stomach suddenly felt heavy and did its best to sink lower in my gut.

  The envelope shook in my hand as I opened it to find a single piece of paper. I unfolded it with blood pounding in my ears.

  Dear Jeff,

  This is the third version of this letter I’ve written. The others didn’t make sense anymore since you’ve been gone so long and the old girl is ready to rock now.

  I don’t know why you left, but if you’re reading this it means you’re back and I hope it means you’ve forgiven me. I’ve fucked up so many things in my life, but I’ll never regret fucking anything up more than this.

  For some reason, I got this crazy idea in my head that if I finished the Chevy then you’d come back. I was so sure of it that the day I downed tools I stayed up all night, just waiting. A couple days later, here I am writing this instead.

  I hope you like how she turned out. I did everything just the way we always talked about, with a few important additions.

  Sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy. I just want to know how your day is… your year… your life. I miss you.

  For now, though, you don’t have to tell me anything. I’m waiting just outside the garage and I’ve got the key to the wheel clamp.

  Why don’t you pull the visor down, fire up the engine and we go for a ride? We don’t have to talk yet, we can just shut up and enjoy it. Be careful though, this thing has got some balls on it.

  What do you say, son?

  I crumpled over and cried with my head resting on the steering wheel for a while. How could he have thought this was his fault? This was all James and the rest of the Poppletons’ fault. And Hazel’s. And mine.

  Finally, I reached up and pulled the sun visor down, but my eye was caught by something else, so the keys slid out and landed on my lap instead of in my hand. Instead of a solid blue like the exterior of the truck, there were a couple photos worked into a custom paint job on the headliner.

  The first was one I recognized from an old photo album. In it was me as a baby, sitting on my mom’s lap, she herself sitting on a chair with my dad standing behind us. My dad was sporting a moustache and mullet, while my mom had a permed mullet, but they looked happy.

  The second picture I remembered being taken like it was yesterday. My dad, Hazel, Chopper and I all sitting on the porch in the summer sun. The best and worst summer of my life, when I was shown heaven for all too short a time.

  Tomorrow. Tomorrow I’d look into the eyes that matched this truck. I picked up the keys, put them in the ignition and turned them. The engine roared to life without any hesitation, as if it lived out every moment on a hair trigger.

  It’s Your Life, Cutie

  Jeff - Before

  The trip to the waterpark changed everything. I already knew Hazel was sexy as fuck, but to see her peel off her clothes to reveal that bikini underneath was out of this world. I couldn’t take my eyes off her all day.

  Splashing around in the pool, it was too much, she made me rock hard and we played so close that it was only a matter of time before she bumped against my cock. I heard her breath catch, saw her eyes widen and felt like I was trapped in that moment forever with the monster of uncertainty.

  She instinctively pulled away, and I wondered if she was going to scream and run for the hills, but she didn’t. She looked coyly in each direction before shuffling against me again, my stiff length pressing hard against her belly with only my swim trunks between us.

  We kissed and held each other tight, she rubbed against me facing one way and then the other and the restrained hunger I’d read in her eyes over the last month was finally unleashed. At the end of the day I had to stay in the pool for what felt like thirty minutes after Hazel got out, just looking at a mostly blank wall and thinking about the fucking nine-times-table so that I didn’t get arrested for public indecency when I stepped out of the water.

  Hazel and I were on another level now. She didn’t stop my wandering hands when they slid under her skirt or inside her shirt during our frequent make-out sessions.

  The way she made me so hard told her, “Girl, I wanna fuck you until you scream,” and the way she ground back against me said, “Yes! I want it too… soon, baby.” So I never pushed it. She was mine and I was hers, the panties would drop as soon as she was ready. I was as sure of it as I was sure the sun was coming up tomorrow.

  Hazel was worth waiting for, but I hadn’t gone so long without sex since losing my virginity. I felt like I was going to explode every time I was with her.

  Today was no exception. Officially, I was under my truck doing some work, but Hazel came over shortly after my dad left and she was under there with me, getting her blonde hair dirty in the dust and oil of the garage floor, handing me tools when I needed them.

  “My dad said things aren’t going so well for you guys this year. Everything OK?” I asked.

  “Not just this year, last year too. Something is going wrong. There’re whole swathes of vines dying, the ones that are left have got a funny taste to them. My dad’s getting pretty stressed out, getting all kinds of experts in to figure out what’s going wrong. It’s all pretty expensive and there’s basically nothing much coming in for at least two years now.”


  “Yeah, it sucks. The more stressed he gets…”

  I averted my eyes from the rusty nut at the end of my ratchet extension and looked at Hazel. “What?”

  “Um… nothing. Never mind.” She looked away.

  I reached out with one finger and left a little smudge of grease on the tip of her nose. She scrunched her face up and rubbed the grease off on her forearm as best she could, giving me an “I’ll get you” look while she did it.

  “Go on,” I said.

  She looked down and to the side for a second, and sighed. “Well, the more stressed he gets, the more he gets on my case about…”

  “About what?”

  “Well, everything. But, especially about me going into the family business and… and about… this. Us.” She said the last word sheepishly.

  “What’s his problem with us?” I asked.

  “I dunno… delusions of grandeur?”

  “What does that mean?”

  “He’s ranting a lot lately about how hard the family has worked for generations to be in the position we are, and I could be dating anybody instead of… the son of one of his employees.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Is that how he described me?”

  Hazel paused. “No… but it’s not important, righ
t? That’s not who you are… I mean… you’re more than that… to me. Please don’t be angry.”

  I put the ratchet down and turned in her direction. “I could never be angry at you, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Who cares what somebody else thinks? Fuck’em, right?”

  Hazel nodded. “Fuck’em.”

  “We’ll figure it out. It’s your life, so we’ll figure out how you can get your gap year, and you get to choose what you do after that too. Your life, cutie.” I smudged engine grease on her nose again.

  Hazel didn’t say anything for a few seconds, she just looked at me like she was watching a sunrise, her eyes sparkling and lighting up. Being looked at like that took my breath away.

  She pulled me close and rubbed her nose from side to side on my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

  “You’re good,” she said.

  “Tell that to Chester the cockatoo.”

  Hazel giggled and tilted her face up to kiss me. When our lips parted, she stayed close, as if she was enjoying the view. It was pretty fucking good from my angle too.

  The illusions I used to have about her as some achingly pretty but distant angel paled in comparison to the smoldering heat of her raw sex appeal and the beauty of the person she was.

  Hazel took my hand and shuffled out from under the pickup. “Come on,” she said.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Nowhere… there’s something… just come on.”

  I pushed myself out with my one free hand and stood. In the front yard, I heard Chopper drinking from the water in the kiddie pool he was lying in, but I couldn’t take my eyes of Hazel and that mysterious look on her face.

  She led me around the side of the truck and opened the door, then climbed in, turned around and gently tugged at my hand. I followed.

  Breaking in the Chevy Pickup

  Hazel - Before

  Jeff closed the door behind him, then turned back to me. When he did, I was already leaning over and kissed him nervously on the lips.

  “Are you OK?” he asked.

  I nodded. I was better than OK. I was Jeff Hatcher’s girlfriend, and that made me the luckiest girl on the planet.

  Ever since I’d felt Jeff’s hard cock against me at the waterpark, I’d been entranced by it. I was on edge whenever I was with him, hot, wet and barely restraining myself.

  Over the past few days though, I’d come to a realization. I had no idea what I was holding myself back for anymore, other than the vague notion that it was what a self-respecting young lady was supposed to do.

  It didn’t make any sense. Not when my body ached to feel him against me, not when daydreams of running my tongue over his abs distracted me from everything else.

  I placed my hand on his chest and pushed, getting him to lean back against the door before I shuffled to the far end of the bench seat and positioned myself between his legs. Jeff’s hand fell on top of mine at his hip and I looked at them together before wordlessly raising my eyes to meet his.

  He wasn’t just some random hot guy, either. He’d proven to me over the last month or so that he was infinitely different and better than the prejudice I’d held about him before. He was more than a fling, more than a summer romance. He was my partner.

  Jeff’s hand gripped mine lightly and slowly moved it inwards until my palm was over the zipper of his jeans. Our eyes never broke contact and I tried to keep a poker-face when I felt my hand curl around that bulge.

  No doubt I failed. How could I not react to something that practically had me on mental puppet strings lately? My eyes widened and I felt blood rush to my face. I’d never dared lay my hand on it before. I’d gotten all the contact I could while trying to keep it… incidental, brushing against it with my belly, my hips, my ass, trying to keep the plausible deniability that my ‘proper young lady’ image demanded.

  No sir, it wasn’t my fault I touched that cock, it was an accident.

  There was no accident now. I was looking my boyfriend directly in the eyes and my hand was gripping his hardening cock through his jeans.

  I wondered if he knew he’d already made me cum one night when we were making out and I was grinding myself against his thigh. I’d held on tight and whimpered against him while feeling like a pressure cooker exploding.

  Now I wanted to make him feel just like that., I wanted my boyfriend to have all the pleasure in the world… because I… I loved him. I swallowed hard, and rubbed my hand back and forth.

  Jeff settled back and I saw his chest rising and falling under that grease and dirt smeared shirt. My clothes and hair weren’t exactly pristine anymore either. He’d turned me into a dirty girl in more ways than one, just as I’d suspected he might.

  I prayed my parents didn’t have any kind of internet monitoring software installed at home, or they might have a heart attack when they saw my last search for “how to give a good blowjob.” The top result talked about eye contact a lot, so I was going to do that, but when I pushed his shirt up, I had to dip my eyes to admire the view, then fulfill a minor fantasy when I bent down and finally licked and kissed those succulent abs to my heart’s content.

  Jeff raised his hips when I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zipper down. With a grip at each side, I hooked my fingers inside his jeans and boxers and slowly pulled down. His abs tapered off in a V shape, as if pointing the way to the treasure I was after.

  My breath caught in my throat as the base of his cock came into view, then drew in with a slow shudder as inch after inch was revealed to me. I gasped when I uncovered the tip and his cock sprang free.

  “Sorry… I’ve never done this before,” I said.

  “It’s OK, cutie.”

  With his pants safely around his lower thighs, I reached out for his cock, which was twitching and growing with every beat of his heart. I paused for a moment with my hand hovering above it, feeling the heat radiating out, and then slowly grasped it.

  I felt him growing thicker and harder in my hand as soon as I held him, before I could even try to remember what to do. His cock was so hard that I could barely move it with only one hand. His balls hung heavy and full under his stiff shaft and, an intimidating distance away, pre-cum was already dribbling out of the tip. If the rigid cock in my hand wasn’t evidence enough that he was turned on, that sure was.

  With another hard swallow, I bent down and tentatively touched his balls with my tongue, keeping a firm grip on his cock. Gradually, my gentle probing became full licks, lifting each of his balls in turn and sucking them into my mouth.

  Jeff sighed and stroked my hair with one hand and I moved my licks and kisses up from his balls to the underside of his shaft, loosening my grip so I could do the same for the area previously covered by my fingers. He stopped breathing for a moment when my tongue touched the tip of his cock, and I felt his body tense before he relaxed again.

  I moved my free hand from his muscular thigh up past his hips and then under his shirt, running my fingers over his abs like a xylophone as I curled my tongue around the end of his cock and dragged it into my mouth.

  “Holy fuck,” Jeff breathed, drawing out the last word as his head lolled back and he bumped it on the window.

  Careful not to touch it with my teeth, I swirled my tongue around the head and then pursed my lips tight as I started to bob up and down. I moved tentatively at first, but drew confidence from the undeniable ecstasy contorting my boyfriend’s face with every movement I made. Soon I was moving with a rhythm that felt like it belonged to a dance as old as time.

  A strand of hair came loose and fell across my face, sticking to some saliva and pre-cum that had smeared on my cheek. Jeff pulled it away before I could and gathered my hair into a ponytail held tight at the back of my head by his fist.

  A shiver of pleasure radiated from the mild pain on my scalp and on down my spine, answered by an echo between my legs. I whimpered on his cock and felt Jeff grip me even harder.

  Keeping one
hand on his abs, because wild horses couldn’t tear me away from them, I let go of his cock and slid my hand into my panties. My fingers were slick with the same cocktail that had stuck my hair to my cheek, but I was already an absolute mess down there before I even touched my clit.

  Jeff took control of my head as I lost myself in the pleasure found between the cock in my mouth and my fingers between my legs. He started to use his grip on my hair to push my head down and meet his hard dick as he gently thrust upwards.

  My body was twitching with every spark of bliss my fingers set off, sliding back and forth across my sensitive little bud. I looked up at Jeff and saw an expression on his face as if he wanted to eat me up with one bite.

  I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, completely at the mercy of our mutual pleasure, trusting him with my body. Jeff’s free hand reached down and squeezed my breast, stroking and kneading it in turn as his thrusts into my mouth sped up.

  The sensations between my legs intensified and my pussy clenched and released as if envious of what was in my mouth. I moaned around Jeff’s cock and started to feel a new sense of urgency in his movements.

  His hand moved from my breast to cup around the back of my neck.

  This isn’t a blowjob anymore. Your boyfriend is fucking your face!

  I flicked my finger across my clit even faster, staying one step ahead of Jeff’s pace, and moaned again. Jeff’s cock tensed and as my own climax exploded throughout my body, I felt his hard shaft swell against my tongue and then a jet of semen hit the back of my throat.

  I swallowed instinctively, before I could worry about if that was what I was supposed to do. There was too much pleasure to be worried about anything. If it felt this good, then everything was right in the world.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting anything to distract me from what I was feeling, and tears made their way down my cheeks. Whether I was overwhelmed with bliss, love or my eyes were simply watering because of the times the tip of Jeff’s cock went a little too deep, I had no idea.